Friday, October 18, 2019

From the Heart - Proverbs 1:24-25

I'm so grateful God did not give up on me. In my youth, I felt the pull of God many times, but I chose to ignore Him. Moving when I felt the Lord say 'Stay.' But in my hard-headedness, His mercies and loving kindness followed hard after me, when I didn't deserve or even appreciate it. I look back now and just shake my head at the foolish girl I was. I continue to thank God for His never leaving or forsaking me. I cannot even begin to image, where I would be right now if God had left me to my own devices.

From the Heart - Psalm 1.1-3 NLT

O what joy floods the souls of those who walk in righteousness. God rewards those who diligently seek Him 
( Hebrews 11:6).

From the Heart - Isaiah 38:16-17

This summer several members of my family have experienced serious health issues. 
In our recent family Bible study, we have been reading scripture verses on healing. 
Presently, one of my sisters is in the hospital and while she sometimes gets down, 
she encourages herself by knowing that God has not left her. 
This is one of the verses that we pray together. 
We all trust that she will be healed, no matter how it looks. 
We've experienced one miracle. We know that God can do it again.

A New Year Prayer for 2020